
PhD Summer School on Finance and Product Markets 2024

Institutional Communication Service

From 12 to 16 August, Prof. Laurent Frésard (USI) and Prof. Gordon Phillips (Dartmouth) led the third edition of the PhD Summer School on Finance and Product Markets in Lugano. The intensive one-week programme brought together 54 PhD students and faculty members from universities in 14 countries, spanning Europe, the US, and Australia, to investigate the connections between finance and product markets.

The agenda included both theoretical and empirical lectures, a guest talk by William Grieser, mini-seminars, social activities, and interactive Python text analysis workshops facilitated by IFIN PhD student Yuhan Ye.

Due to overwhelming interest, the event was fully booked. Students on the waiting list are encouraged to apply for next year's programme.

Stay informed about the application process at the dedicated website.