
Diplomas for 173 recent graduates in Economics

Institutional Communication Service

The graduation ceremony for awarding Bachelor's and Master's degrees from USI Faculty of Economics to 173 students of nine different nationalities was held on Monday, 7 November 2022, at 5 pm in the West Campus Lugano Aula Magna.

USI Deputy Rector Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni opened the ceremony, followed by a welcome from the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Gianluca Colombo.

Before the awarding of diplomas, a USI graduate spoke and brought his testimony from the world of work: Emanuele Mazziotta (Bachelor in Economics, 2006, and Master in Management, 2008), Chief Operating Officer, Coccinelle, Lugano / Milan / Parma.

Master's degrees (109) were then awarded, followed by the prize-giving ceremony. 

Franco Citterio, director of the Associazione Bancaria Ticinese (ABT), presented the ABT Award to the students with the best average in Bachelor's and Master's degrees, conferred respectively to Michelangelo Galbiati and Benedetta Turati.

The EFG Pietro Balestra Prize for quantitative subjects was awarded to Luca Pernigo, presented by Prof. Patrick Gagliardini, Pro-rector for research at USI.

Louis Macchi, Partner, Tax & Legal Services, of PwC Switzerland, presented the award for the best Master's thesis in Finance to Riccardo Gatti for his thesis "Efficient Portfolio using Crypto and TradFi Optimal combination of TradFi, DeFi and CeFi".

Before announcing the names of the recent Bachelor's graduates (64), the head of the USI Alumni Service, Silvia Invrea, spoke about the community and services offered.


Below is the list of graduates with their nationality and degree awarded. 



Bachelor in Economics -

  1. A Marca Viola, Switzerland
  2. Bassi Matteo, Switzerland
  3. Battaglia Brian, Switzerland
  4. Belloni Giorgio, Italy
  5. Bianchi Sandra Angela, Switzerland
  6. Bortoletti Aurora, Italy
  7. Bosisio Riccardo, Italy
  8. Buzzetti Andrea, Italy
  9. Caudana Beatrice, Italia
  10. Cavarretta  Salvatore, Italy
  11. Celentano  Francesca, Italy
  12. Chiarantoni Elisabetta Maria, Italy
  13. Coban Daniela, Italy
  14. Cremona Chiara, Switzerland
  15. Del Sorbo Anastasio Christian, Switzerland
  16. Dentella Pamela, Italy
  17. Di Martino  Asya, Italy
  18. Držajić Doriano, Switzerland
  19. Fasoli Alessandro, Switzerland
  20. Ferracin Simone, Switzerland
  21. Gagulic Ambroz, Switzerland
  22. Galbani Aron, Switzerland
  23. Galbiati Michelangelo, Italy
  24. Gallé Laura, Switzerland
  25. Ghilardi Davide, Switzerland
  26. Gianni Francesca, Italy
  27. González Reyes Stefano, Switzerland
  28. Grgic Kristian, Switzerland
  29. Gulisano Roberto, Italy
  30. Juon Matteo, Switzerland
  31. Karau Luca, Italy
  32. Kovacevic Stefano, Switzerland
  33. Lingeri Caterina, Italy
  34. Marazza Francesco, Switzerland
  35. Maretti Matteo, Italy
  36. Martegani  Ariele, Switzerland
  37. Mauceri Riccardo, Switzerland
  38. Molteni Rachele, Italy
  39. Morisoli Tommaso, Switzerland
  40. Noto Rachele, Italy
  41. Odermatt Kristina, Italy
  42. Parravicini Alberto, Italy
  43. Pasquale   Elena, Italy
  44. Pedemonte Michela, Italy
  45. Pellanda Pietro, Switzerland
  46. Pernigo Luca, Italy
  47. Piva Sara, Italy
  48. Poças Ribeiro André, Switzerland
  49. Polli Leonora, Switzerland
  50. Pugassi Giovanni, Italy
  51. Rossini Giada, Switzerland
  52. Sala Matteo, Italy
  53. Sala Veronica, Italy
  54. Saliu Ardiana, Switzerland
  55. Sertorio Alessandro, Switzerland
  56. Sorgesa Luca, Switzerland
  57. Stojadinovic Stevan, Switzerland
  58. Tettamanti Alessandro, Switzerland
  59. Trisconi Noele, Switzerland
  60. Valecce Morgan, Switzerland
  61. Votta Ilaria, Switzerland
  62. Vurdelja Sara, Switzerland
  63. Walter Alessandra, Italy
  64. Zambaiti Leonardo, Switzerland



Master in Economics -

  1. Giovanardi Giuliano, Switzerland
  2. Peterhans  Ruth Maria, Switzerland
  3. Soccal Deborah, Switzerland


Master in Management -

  1. Abbruscato Chiara, Italy
  2. Barzaghi Pietro, Italy
  3. Battistella Valentina, Italy
  4. Bellazzi Bianca, Switzerland
  5. Bianchi Patrizia, SSwitzerland
  6. Bianchi Vittoria Lucrezia, Italy
  7. Bissi Federico, Italy
  8. Caridi Alessandro, Italy
  9. Colombo Lorenzo, Italy
  10. Crabtree Beatrice, Italy
  11. Daka Hergi, Italy
  12. Diaz Sañudo Miguel, Italy
  13. Fazioli Federico, Italy
  14. Fazzuni Ylenia Nicole, Italy
  15. Gabos Alessandro, IItaly
  16. Galetti Giulia, Italy
  17. Galotta Serena, Italy
  18. Ganchev Kostadin, Bulgaria
  19. Gerosa Davide, Italy
  20. Gilardoni Arianna, Italy
  21. Isella Larissa, Italy
  22. Juric Bono, Switzerland
  23. Lazzari Alessia, Italy
  24. Leonardi Umberto, Italy
  25. Maffeo Francesca, Italy
  26. Makhlai Dasha, Switzerland
  27. Marion Ivan Baldo, Italy
  28. Melillo Carola, Italy
  29. Mereghetti Mario, Italy
  30. Mezenok Elizaveta, Italy
  31. Pagano Grazia, Italy
  32. Petkovic Lea, Switzerland
  33. Pietrafesa Sara, Italy
  34. Rezzonico Chiara, Italy
  35. Riffaldi Carola, Italy
  36. Santoro Matteo, Italy
  37. Sitta Francesca, Italy
  38. Spagnolatti Patrick, Italy
  39. Tocco Giordano, Italia
  40. Tucci Riccardo, Italy
  41. Turati Benedetta, Italy
  42. Vanini Pietro, Italy
  43. Verga Giulia, Italy 


Master in Finance -

  1. Amante Iervolino Pasquale, Italy
  2. Bernasconi Alec Joseph, Switzerland
  3. Biagiotti Dario, Italy
  4. Borgomeo Giorgio, Italy    
  5. Brunello Martina, Italy
  6. Ciric Stefan, Switzerland
  7. Cozzo Francesco Antonio, Italy
  8. Crevena Andrea, Italy
  9. De Luca Saverio, Italy
  10. De Nart Nicolò Giovanni, Italy      
  11. Fontana Paolo, Italy         
  12. Gatti Riccardo, Italy         
  13. Giacobbo Andrea,  Italy  
  14. Gianoli Katia, Switzerland      
  15. Giay Simone, Italy
  16. Invernizzi Jacopo, Italy    
  17. Khatib Shahidi Nikan, Italy
  18. Lecchi Denis, Italy
  19. Luculli Elia,Italy    
  20. Lupo Lorena, Italy
  21. Magni Silvia, Italy
  22. Maio Nicolò, Italy
  23. Masotto Matteo, Italy        
  24. Maxhuni Arian, Switzerland    
  25. Pallister Ivana, The Netherlands
  26. Pedotti Celine, Italy
  27. Rosenthal Winckler Da Silva Laurence, Brasil
  28. Rustom Samy, France
  29. Scalerandi Matteo, Italy
  30. Stoeva Valerija, Italy
  31. Testa Filippo, Italy
  32. Torchio Luca,Italy
  33. Zaccardo Vito, Italy


Master in Public Management and Policy -

  1. Andrews Lisa, Switzerland     
  2. Bellora Jessica Francesca, Italy
  3. Bertoli Lorenzo, Italy        
  4. Canonica Ana, Switzerland
  5. Cristi Korrasut Giulio Forte, Italy  
  6. De Jesus Da Cunha Christian, Switzerland     
  7. Lonardi Lorenzo, Italy    
  8. Montesel Eloa, Switzerland
  9. Re Beatrice, Italy 
  10. Shadlou Giolitta, Switzerland


Master in International Tourism -

  1. Azzalini Alice, Switzerland
  2. Balboni Irene, Italy
  3. Bertoli Mattia, Switzerland
  4. Dozza Clarissa, Italy
  5. Gigandet Perrine, Switzerland
  6. Günther Alessandra, Switzerland
  7. Halldorsson Skuli, Iceland
  8. Mastromarino Giacomo, Italy
  9. Pasini Giulia, Italy
  10. Simone Ilaria, Switzerland
  11. Viterbo Francesca, Italy


Master in Economia e politiche internazionali -

  1. Branca Corinne, Italy


Master in Financial Communication 

  1. Cardinali Silvia, Switzerland
  2. Mokrova Daria, Russia
  3. Qiu Mingzhe, China


MPhil. in Finance

  1. Cosenza Riccardo, IItaly



Master of Advanced Studies in Economia e Management sanitario e sociosanitario -

  1. Kiszka Alessandra, Italy
  2. Pedretti Alberto, Italy
  3. Tonolla Luca, Switzerland